Trade Up 4 JS has gotten off to a slow start. That’s understandable considering it was launched just about the time the PM announced the dissolution of Parliament and said that the 12th General Election is on so with all the nominations, the ceramahs, the excitement over who is in and who’s out, Trade Up 4 JS got kinda lost in the shuffle.
Still it hasn’t been too bad, we had five items offered and posted just to kick start it off and now it’s decision time. Which of the five items proffered do we trade up to?
There is Cheryl's Lucky the stuffed dalmation ..er.. dog, then there’s the write stuff Tamimi’s twin pen sets, there’s Pamela’s jewellery box and there’s LY Toh’s miniature bamboo plant and lastly there Jennifer's thermos drinking mugs.
Lian See (Single Parents Co-ordinator), Rong Tau (my web kaki) and I all vote for Lucky, the cute little doggie. Why so? Well perhaps its because we all love dogs – Lian See has one pet dog a real terror, errr.. terrier called Terry (what else!) and Rong Tau has two canine cuties of his own – Ruffles and Cuddles – gifts from his parents who worry about him being all alone in a nice big house. As for me, I was born in the year of the Dog (okay so you can guess my age already!), I’m trying to start a dog collection but it hasn’t gone very far but more pertinently I do have a great fondness for stuffed toys and Lucky happens to be the lucky one chosen in place of JS train mascot for the first stage of the Trade Up 4 JS. Since Cheryl is in PJ we'll do the handing over personally leaving GDex to handle the really far locations.
So what’s it gonna be next now that Lucky’s gonna be put up for the next round of Trade Up 4 JS? Come on, think creatively, it doesn’t have to cost the earth, just a little more than the RM20 that Lucky the toy dog is worth…let's keep this game of Trade Up going folks.and soon we'll get our much needed van, not forgetting generate enough buzz about the plight of Single Parents so... just snap a pix of the item you wanna offer and email it to manyants@gmail.com or jumblestation@gmail.com and lets see where this leads us to… cheers Antz