We at PWP noticed that most single parents under our care, spend less time with loved ones due to work commitments, as some parents have to work two jobs to earn extra income just to put food on the table for their growing children. Their children on the other hand spend their valuable time on gadgets which are so easily accessible in this current age. From this workshop we observed, the parents and children were much happier spending valuable time together and parents expressed their wish to us, to have more of such similar workshops, also because many cannot afford to pay expensive entry fees for such workshop elsewhere.
Each parent and children were given opportunity to create any desired pattern to produce a key chain. It was a delightful sight to witness the joy in the children's smile and parents, when they complete making a keychain as a team or as an individual! We are also glad that 2 of PWP’s single parents stepped up to share their plight, their hopes and how we, at PWP have supported and helped them which was also, an encouragement to other single parents present :D