Its been a hectic four months since Jumble Station was established and already one thing is clear - we desperately need a van of our own. Well actually we need a 1 ton lorry but that's too expensive and none of us have a lorry permit nor are we lorry drivers but a van, now that's possible.
Why you may ask does JS need a van? For one thing, it will be very useful for two reasons - to collect big ticket items like a fridge, a washing machine, furniture etc from homes and offices and then to have these delivered directly to the homes of the Single Parents in need or to JS itself.
Secondly, we need a van to transport the Single Parents to any events or networking activities that is being organised for them since many of them live in out of the way (boondocks) places and can't afford to take a taxi and where buses ply infrequently or not at all.
Currently, we've been using the services of our own car (mine's a Kelisa slightly bigger than Mr Bean's car!) and Lian See has a slightly bigger Myvvy, both of which can't fit a sofa let alone a bed! So we've been dependent on Julie a single mother from Klang who drives her company van but hers is available only on the weekends and now that she's had an accident, it's been out of action since Jan 1.
Now we've found another van driver to replace Julie but Azahar too can only do it during his free time which makes it tough whenever someone calls and says " can you take the item by today otherwise I'll give it away to the lorry driver that is delivering my new sofa, or fridge or washing machine..) you get the drift...
So getting a van of our own is a priority now the Legend Hotel set the ball rolling for us by collecting RM9,988 in its Christmas 2007 Charity drive. There is only one snag, the cheque is made out to Shleter Home and they want the van to be kept in one of their homes in PJ which really defeats the purpose because JS is in Subang Jaya and we need to have ready access to it should the need arise.
So like it or not, JS must embark on its own fund raising exercise in order to get us the van we need to get the items we need so we at JS will have to start putting our thinking caps on and soon too!