Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Inspiring the poor, one life at a time...

The poor are a mariginalised group primarily because they have not learnt to rise up beyond their current crippling situation. The education system teaches them to read, write and grasp ‘rithmetic but does not teach them the marketable skills that will enable them to get good jobs and climb up swiftly through the corporate ladder of success and thereby break the chains of poverty.

Citizen Network for a Better Malaysia (CNBM) Group 4 which focuses on the issue of alleviating poverty in this country has been actively organizing a series of training courses designed specially to lift the morale and quality of life for the poor. The group led by Nancy Lee and guided by Dr Dennison Jayasooria has been making small inroads in tackling this issue with the latest being held at Ara Damansara at end June.

This time around there were 13 participants, Hasrun, Hassan, Feizal and Eddie from LV Control, a company owned by Lillian Lip, Faroz, Rosdi, Ghani and Satifah from Jackson’s mall outlet and Melini, Hani, Jahuyah and Malian introduced by Jumble Station. Some 8 of them hail from Angsana at USJ1, Subang Jaya, a low cost flat rife with grime, grind and crime!

Since the introduction of the programme, some 45 individuals have benefited, learning for the first time in their lives, the importance of self motivation, mastering positive mental attitudes, learning what it takes to be a good worker, the challenges of being a boss, balancing their finances and the difficult art of budgeting, harnessing their inherent skills and marketing them, monetizing their hobbies among others.

Each and every one of the participants and the trainers (Lillian, Jackson and Mary Anne) as well as facilitators (Nicole and Jamie) come away from the course, more refreshed, inspired and willing to try new things to improve their lot in life. For CNBM members, this is an ongoing journey on developing the power of optimism and inspiring each other as we journey through a beautiful life ahead! The best part of it all? We’re doing it – one life at a time…want to join us in this life changing process?

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